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Eco Ness Blog

  • Clean Home, Clean Earth: Our top 4 tips for eco-conscious spring cleaning

    Spring: brighter days, colder coffee, chirpier birds and, at Eco Ness, cleaner homes!

    Doing a ‘deep clean’ is often synonymous with finding the strongest (and often most toxic) products available. We want to change your perspective on what it is that makes a cleaning product powerful, and prove that eco-friendly products can work just as hard as their polluting counterparts!

  • Not So Sweet: Everything you need to know about ethical chocolate

    It might be a sugary treat, but the chocolate we buy for a moment of delicious indulgence is the product of an industry that’s far from sweet. One of the most significant and harmful issues in cocoa production is the presence of slavery - particularly of children.

    Here is your guide to ethical chocolate, why you should try it, and where you can buy it!

  • 7 Days To A Super Sustainable Kitchen, The Simple Way

    We’re sharing seven ways to elevate your kitchen to make it eco, with ease. Whether you try one each day during a week or even one a month until you’ve ticked them off, a more sustainable scullery is simple when you take it a switch at a time. Plus remember: Any low-waste change is better than none!
  • Composting Guide For Beginners

    A helpful guide to composting at home for beginners! Find out how to get started, learn about what can go into your compost, and discover the various options for composting at home.
  • 5 Easy Eco Swaps

    Some simple tips to reduce single-use plastic waste and make your life a little easier too!
  • Shampoo Bars: The Different Types & How They Work

    Shampoo bars are one of our most popular products at Eco Ness, and they are also the number one product we get the most questions about! When it c...
  • Trees!

    We think trees are extraordinary. As well as giving us clean air to breathe, they are also vital for maintaining the diverse ecosystems that affec...